Traditional Chinese medicine often says that “all diseases are born from qi”, and the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract is closely related to people's emotions, so stomach diseases can also be called “mental diseases”. the liver governs free coursing,which refers to liver qi's physiological function of ensuring smooth free flow of qi and blood.The spleen governs production and transformation qi and blood ,the stomach governs intake and decompostion (digestion)of grain and water.When the emotions are not smooth, the liver’s function of dispersing and excreting will be out of order. If the producing and transforming functions of the spleen and stomach are hindered, symptoms of discomfort in the spleen and stomach will easily occur, such as: stomachache
, nausea and vomiting, Fullness, pantothenic acid, etc., this is a manifestation of “liver qi invading the stomach” in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine