lotusroot:sweet in flavour,cold in nature of raw,warm in nature of cooked, acting on the heart slpeen and stomach channels.Fresh lotus root is sweet, cold and juicy,it can not only clear heat, promoting fluid and quench thirst, but also cool blood, removing blood stasis , and stop bleeding; while cooked lotus root can invigorating spleen -stomach, benefiting blood ,and can be used as a regular food for those with spleen deficiency and blood deficiency.
藕味甘,生用性寒,熟用性温 ,入心、脾、胃三经。鲜藕甘寒多汁,不仅能清热生津止渴,还能凉血,散瘀,止血;藕煮熟食能和胃健脾、益血,凡脾虚、血虚者,可用作常食之品。