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    What causes pouches?

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  • 当前位置: 华夏中医人 > 养生社区 > 正文
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    • The weakened function of the spleen and stomach will lead to the accumulation of water in the body, resulting in the relaxation of the lower eyelids and the formation of pouches under the eyes


      The liver is one of the detoxification and hematopoietic systems. If the liver cannot remove toxins,pouches under the eyes will also form.


      Kidney deficiency will cause fluid metabolism disorders, insufficient kidney qi, which will lead to poor blood flow and pouches over time.


      The blood circulation around the eyes tends to become stagnant due to overwork, and the blood vessels are blocked due to stagnation, causing the lymphatic metabolism to slow down, so that excess water and blood accumulate under the eyes, and then pouches are formed.


      What causes pouches?


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