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      Do you know how to use Qi in Chinese medicine to diagnose human diseases?



      In traditional Chinese medicine, the diagnosis of a disease involves a holistic approach that takes into account various factors, including the patient's symptoms, medical history, and overall health status. One of the diagnostic methods used in traditional Chinese medicine is to assess the flow of Qi or energy in the body, as it is believed that imbalances or blockages in the flow of Qi can lead to illness and disease.

      There are several ways to assess the flow of Qi in the body, including:

      Pulse diagnosis: A skilled practitioner can assess the pulse at various points along the radial artery to identify any imbalances or blockages in the flow of Qi.

      Observation: The practitioner observes the patient's skin, tongue, and eyes for any signs of imbalance or disease, as well as the patient's overall posture and movement patterns.

      Palpation: The practitioner may palpate various acupuncture points or areas of the body to assess the flow of Qi and identify any imbalances or blockages.

      Interviewing: The practitioner may ask the patient questions about their lifestyle, habits, and emotional state to gain a better understanding of the patient's overall health and well-being.

      Once the practitioner has assessed the flow of Qi in the body, they can then develop a treatment plan to help restore balance and promote healing. This may involve acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary changes, exercise, and other modalities that are designed to support the body's natural healing processes and promote the flow of Qi.








      Do you know the four-diagnosis model of TCM: look, smell, ask, and feel, and the relevant main content?



      Yes, the “four-diagnosis model” is a fundamental concept in traditional Chinese medicine that involves observing and assessing a patient's physical appearance, odor, speech, and bodily sensations. The four diagnostic methods are:

      Inspection (Look): This involves observing the patient's physical appearance, including their skin color, complexion, and facial expressions. It also involves examining the tongue and the quality of the patient's voice.

      Auscultation and Olfaction (Smell): This involves listening to the patient's breathing, cough, and other sounds, as well as assessing any odors that may be emanating from the body.

      Inquiry (Ask): This involves asking the patient questions about their medical history, symptoms, lifestyle, and emotional state, as well as any factors that may be contributing to their condition.

      Palpation (Feel): This involves palpating various parts of the body, including the pulse, abdomen, and acupuncture points, to assess the patient's overall health and well-being.

      Each of these diagnostic methods provides important information about the patient's condition, and they are used together to develop a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan. For example, inspection may reveal a pale complexion and a thin tongue coating, indicating a deficiency of Qi and blood. Auscultation and olfaction may reveal wheezing and a strong odor of dampness or phlegm, suggesting a lung or respiratory problem. Inquiry may reveal a history of stress and anxiety, while palpation may reveal tenderness in the abdomen, indicating an issue with digestion or organ function. By combining all four diagnostic methods, a practitioner can develop a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the patient's condition and develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the root causes of their health issues.







      Is the chee of the human body objectively existing or illusory?




      The existence of Qi or chee is a concept that is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is based on a different understanding of the body and health compared to Western medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, the body is seen as an interconnected system of energy pathways, and the flow of Qi is considered to be an essential aspect of health and well-being. However, the concept of Qi is not based on the same scientific principles as Western medicine, and there is no direct physical evidence to support its existence.

      From a Western scientific perspective, the concept of Qi or chee may be viewed as an abstract idea rather than a physical reality. However, the principles of traditional Chinese medicine have been used for centuries to diagnose and treat a wide range of health conditions, and some studies have found that acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medicine techniques can have therapeutic benefits.

      In summary, whether or not Qi or chee is objectively existing or illusory depends on one's perspective and worldview. From a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, it is a real and essential aspect of health and well-being, while from a Western scientific perspective, it may be viewed as an abstract concept that lacks concrete evidence.


      从西方科学的角度来看,Qi 或 chee 的概念可能被视为一个抽象概念,而不是一个物理现实。然而,几个世纪以来,传统中医的原理一直被用于诊断和治疗各种健康状况,一些研究发现针灸和其他传统中医技术具有治疗效果。




      Yes, the twelve meridians are a fundamental concept in traditional Chinese medicine. They are believed to be channels or pathways through which the body's vital energy, called Qi (pronounced “chee”), flows. The twelve meridians are divided into six pairs, each associated with a specific organ system and named according to that organ. Here is a list of the twelve meridians:

      Lung meridian (hand taiyin)

      Large intestine meridian (hand yangming)

      Stomach meridian (foot yangming)

      Spleen meridian (foot taiyin)

      Heart meridian (hand shaoyin)

      Small intestine meridian (hand taiyang)

      Bladder meridian (foot taiyang)

      Kidney meridian (foot shaoyin)

      Pericardium meridian (hand jueyin)

      Triple warmer meridian (hand shaoyang)

      Gallbladder meridian (foot shaoyang)

      Liver meridian (foot jueyin)

      Each meridian has specific points along its pathway where acupuncture needles may be inserted to stimulate or balance the flow of Qi in the body.
















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