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    • 名老中医岳美中,既无家传又缺师承,25岁自学中医,终成一代名家

      华夏中医人  2022-07-21






      没有家传,也没有恩师教导,岳美中只能自学。一开始购买一些中医方面的书籍自学,比如《医学衷中参西录》、《伤寒论》、《汤头歌决》等,边研习边为自己开药单服用 。经过一年多的休养和用中药,他的肺病竟然痊愈了,通过亲身体验更加坚信中医确能治病,于是放下一切,决心潜心钻研中医学,希望通过中医可以自救救人。

      岳美中先是研读了宋元以后的医家名著,常常为了观察药性,自己买来药亲自服下,像神农遍尝百草, 有一次因为服用过量的石膏,导致腹泻不止。后来,有一位夫人出现血崩之象,举足无措之下,有人提到了岳美中,于是家人便请岳美中来诊治,数剂药下去,就药到病除,全家人都前来致谢。后来村里有一位小木匠突发狂躁症,当时的医生们也是束手无策,便请来了岳美中试试,想着死马当活马医,岳美中通过仔细观察脉证,提出阳狂并有瘀血,一两剂汤下去,小木匠便好了。这两件事过后,让岳美中的名声大噪,前来救医的人门庭若市,后来在友人的资助之下,岳美中开设了自己的小药铺,并取名“锄云医社”,岳美中他的名,锄云是他的“号”。


      随着名气的增大,1935年,调往山东菏泽县医院,任中医部主任,他一边给病人诊病,一边坚持研读陆渊雷先生的《伤寒论今释》 、 《金匮要略今释》,并将自己的学习中医的体会写成《述学》课卷,刊载在《中医新生命》上,陆渊雷先生对他的评价是“中医得此人才,足堪吐气”。






      来源:百家号  李老师养生屋


      English version


      If you have difficulty reading Chinese, please read the English version below:

      Yue Meizhong, a famous old Chinese medicine doctor, neither has a family tradition nor a teacher. At the age of 25, she taught herself traditional Chinese medicine and eventually became a famous family

      Mr. Yue Meizhong enjoys high prestige in the academic field of traditional Chinese medicine. In his life, he has written countless works on traditional Chinese medicine, paying great attention to the cultivation of disciples and numerous disciples. He has cultivated many contemporary well-known traditional Chinese medicine, such as Yue Peifen, Wang Guosan, Li Chunsheng and others. After 1970, in addition to daily medical consultations, he also served as the medical and health care work of Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, Marshal Ye Jianying and many other leaders. Today, let's see whether the road to fame of this famous traditional Chinese medicine is smooth or rough?


      Mr. Yue Meizhong was born in a small village in LUANNAN COUNTY, Hebei Province in 1900. His original name was Yue Zhongxiu. His family was extremely poor, but his parents were far sighted and knew the pain of not having cultural knowledge. They believed that knowledge could change their fate. When Yue Meizhong was 4 or 5 years old, he moved east and west to collect tuition fees, and simply let Yue Meizhong go to a private school. This was 8 years without interruption. During this period, he studied hard and achieved the best results, Being admitted to Luanxian normal school at that time was equivalent to the current normal school, which was a school specialized in training teachers. After graduation at the age of 17, he served as a primary school teacher. Because he was interested in literature and history, he taught knowledge during the day and continued to study in the evening and after class. He followed Mr. Shi Xiaoshan, a member of the Qing Dynasty, to learn ancient poetry, often learning late into the night. I didn't expect that a few years later, I developed a serious lung disease and hemoptysis when I coughed seriously. At that time, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis and had a certain degree of infectivity. The school thought hard and dismissed Yue Meizhong.

      Illness plus unemployment was undoubtedly a serious blow to Yue Meizhong at that time, especially illness. For the medical conditions at that time, there was no better treatment, and he could only suffer in pain. Yue Meizhong is not willing to leave the world like this. He is only in his 20s and in his prime of life. After a few days of decadence, in order to save himself, he had the idea of learning traditional Chinese medicine.

      Without a family heirloom or a mentor, Yue Meizhong can only learn by himself. At the beginning, I bought some books on traditional Chinese medicine for self-study, such as “the Western record of medical heart”, “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”, “Tang tou Ge Jue”, etc. while studying, I wrote a medicine list for myself. After more than a year of recuperation and using traditional Chinese medicine, his lung disease actually healed. Through personal experience, he was more convinced that traditional Chinese medicine can cure the disease, so he put down everything and decided to devote himself to studying traditional Chinese medicine, hoping to save himself and others through traditional Chinese medicine.

      Yue Meizhong first studied the famous works of doctors after the song and Yuan Dynasties. In order to observe the medicine properties, he often bought the medicine himself and took it himself. Like Shennong, he tasted hundreds of herbs all over. Once he took an excessive amount of plaster, which led to diarrhea. Later, a lady appeared to have a bloody avalanche, and when she was helpless, someone mentioned Yue Meizhong, so her family asked Yue Meizhong to come for diagnosis and treatment. After a few doses of medicine, the disease was cured, and the whole family came to thank her. Later, a carpenter in the village had a sudden manic attack, and the doctors at that time were helpless, so they invited Yue Meizhong to try it. Thinking of a dead horse as a live horse doctor, Yue Meizhong carefully observed the pulse syndrome and proposed that there was yangmania and blood stasis. After a dose or two of soup, the carpenter would be well. After these two events, Yue Meizhong became famous, and the people who came to save the doctor were crowded. Later, with the support of friends, Yue Meizhong opened his own small medicine shop and named it “hoe cloud medical club”. Yue Meizhong's name and hoe cloud is his “number”.

      With the increase of fame, in 1935, he was transferred to Heze county hospital in Shandong Province as the director of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine. While consulting patients, he insisted on studying Mr. Lu yuanlei's “current interpretation of treatise on Febrile Diseases” and “current interpretation of synopsis of the Golden Chamber”, and wrote his experience of learning traditional Chinese medicine into the textbook “Shuxue”, which was published in “new life of traditional Chinese medicine”. Mr. Lu yuanlei's evaluation of him was “this talent of traditional Chinese medicine is enough to exhale”.

      In 1946, Yue Meizhong went to Peiping, which is now Beijing, to take the examination of traditional Chinese medicine and obtained the license of traditional Chinese medicine. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, he, as the only traditional Chinese medicine in the first batch of Chinese medical delegations, visited many countries for academic exchanges.

      After decades of accumulation, Yue Meizhong has made great progress in his studies. In daily diagnosis and treatment, he insists on accumulating different medical records every day. Besides practicing medicine, he has written more than 30 books of medical knowledge and prescriptions, such as notes on experimental pharmacology and words on weeding clouds. It is deeply loved by workers of traditional Chinese medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine all over the country.

      Later, his student, Mr. Chen Keji, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, collated and published the classic medical cases recorded by Mr. Yue Meizhong and the elderly, and the book “Yue Meizhong and the elderly's experience in the treatment of geriatric diseases by traditional Chinese medicine” is very suitable for those who are interested in traditional Chinese medicine or medicine. If you are interested, you can have a look.



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