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    Dried ginger

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    • 中药材
    • Dried ginger: It has a pungent and warm taste, and can regulate coughing in the chest, counteract upper qi, stop bleeding in the middle of the temperature, sweat, expel wind, relieve dampness, cause intestinal congestion, and promote diuresis. The living are especially kind, taking them for a long time to remove the odor and connect with the gods. Shengchuan Valley. The best way to make dry ginger is to pick ginger in September. From Shennong Ben Cao Jing.

      Canned ginger: Processed from dried ginger. Bitter in taste and heat in nature, returning to the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians. Warm the meridians to stop bleeding, warm the middle to stop pain. Used for yang deficiency, bleeding, vomiting and bleeding, spleen and stomach deficiency, cold, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

      Secondly, dried ginger and processed ginger are based on the processing of aged ginger.




      Dried ginger


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