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  • The Five Elements Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient medical philosophy that links diseases with the Five Elements by observing and analyzing patients' symptoms, pulse patterns, tongue patterns, etc., in order to determine the pathogenesis and guide treatment. This theory suggests that the five internal organs and organs of the human body are correspondingly related to the elements of the five elements, influencing and constraining each other, forming a complex network system. By studying this system, doctors can understand the essence of diseases and develop more accurate and effective treatment plans.
    The Five Elements Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine requires doctors to possess profound medical knowledge and rich practical experience. They need to be able to accurately determine which Five Elements the patient's symptoms belong to, as well as the relationship between these symptoms and other organs. By observing pulse and tongue conditions, doctors can further understand the patient's physical condition and the development trend of the condition. Through this information, doctors can determine the pathogenesis, i.e. the essence of the disease, and develop targeted treatment plans.


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