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  • In the process of treating hyperglycemia in traditional Chinese medicine, multiple methods are often used for comprehensive treatment, such as adjusting diet, improving lifestyle habits, and medication treatment. Among them, drug therapy is the most important method. According to different traditional Chinese medicine syndrome types, the treatment methods also vary.
    For the treatment of high blood sugar in traditional Chinese medicine, common syndrome types include yin deficiency, internal heat, and dampness heat internal resistance. Patients with yin deficiency and internal heat type are characterized by thirst and excessive drinking, overeating, frequent urination, and weight loss. Treatment should be based on nourishing yin and clearing heat, with the addition or subtraction of Xiaoke Formula; Patients with dampness heat internal resistance type exhibit symptoms such as low thirst, bloating in the abdomen, fatigue and weakness in the body, and loose and thin stools. Treatment should be based on clearing heat and promoting dampness, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the formula should be modified with Qinlian Er Chen Tang.
    In the treatment of hyperglycemia with traditional Chinese medicine, in addition to traditional Chinese medicine decoctions, there have also been some studies on the modernization of Chinese medicine in recent years. Through modern scientific and technological means and methods, Chinese medicine can be made into traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations or health food to improve the efficacy and safety. For example, traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations such as Shenqi Jiangtang Capsule and Liuwei Dihuang Pill can regulate immune function, protect islet cells, and have certain therapeutic effects on patients with hyperglycemia.


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