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  • The internal structure of the human body is complex and exquisite. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the internal structure of the human body is composed of twelve organs and twelve meridians. These twelve zang organs include the five zang organs, six zang organs, and three jiao organs, which cooperate and work together to maintain the life activities of the human body.
    The meridian system is an important component of the human body, which is a complex and organic whole. As a subsystem of the meridian system, the twelve meridians have important significance in their division within the human body. By partitioning, it is possible to have a clearer understanding of the relationship between the viscera and meridians, as well as the positions and functions of different meridians in the human body.
    Specifically, the twelve meridians in the human body are divided into two hand and foot three yin meridians and three hand and foot three yang meridians. These meridians are connected to different organs, with the hand and foot three yin meridians mainly connected to the five organs, while the hand and foot three yang meridians mainly connected to the six organs and three jiao. These meridians are not isolated in the human body, but interconnected and influenced each other, collectively forming a complete meridian system.



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