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  • The origin of Wuqinxi can be traced back to ancient China, and it is said that it was originally created by Hua Tuo. Hua Tuo was a famous doctor during the Three Kingdoms period, who placed great emphasis on physical health and believed that exercise could improve physical health. He combined his understanding and observation of animals with his knowledge of healthcare to create the Five Birds Play. In Wuqinxi, each action has its own specific benefits. For example, imitating the movements of a tiger can enhance the strength of the waist and legs, improve body coordination and balance; Deer movements can enhance abdominal and back muscles, improve cardiovascular and respiratory system functions; The movements of bears can enhance the strength of the arms, shoulders, and core parts, improving the stability and balance of the body; Ape movements can enhance heart and lung function, enhance body sensitivity and responsiveness; The movements of birds can enhance cardiovascular function, improve respiratory and circulatory system function.

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