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  • When we observe a person's tongue coating appearing yellow and moist, it may indicate the presence of dampness and heat in their liver and gallbladder. Damp heat in the liver and gallbladder refers to the phenomenon of the intersection of dampness and heat in the liver and gallbladder, which may cause a series of discomfort symptoms, such as headache, redness of the eyes, flank pain, and bitter mouth. At this point, the yellow and moist color of the tongue coating reflects the pathological changes in the liver and gallbladder.
    On the other hand, when the tongue coating appears yellow and dry, it may indicate the presence of dryness and heat in the spleen and stomach. Spleen and stomach dryness and heat refer to the phenomenon of dryness and heat evil in the spleen and stomach, which may lead to symptoms such as stomach pain, thirst, and constipation. In this case, the yellow and dry coating of the tongue reflects the pathological changes in the spleen and stomach.
    In summary, by observing and analyzing the tongue coating, we can preliminarily determine whether a person's liver, gallbladder, or spleen and stomach have dampness or dryness. It should be noted that this is only an auxiliary diagnostic method, and the specific situation needs to be comprehensively judged in conjunction with other symptoms and medical examinations. In daily life, we can prevent and treat these diseases by adjusting our diet and maintaining good sleep habits.



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