The main function of sweating medicine is to release sweat and relieve external heat, expelling cold pathogens from the body through sweating, thereby achieving the goal of treating diseases. Therefore, the best time to use sweating medicine is in the early stages of the disease, when the cold evil has not yet penetrated the body. Sweating can quickly expel the cold evil and alleviate the condition. If you miss this opportunity and wait until the disease has penetrated into your body, using sweat medication for treatment may not be effective, and even lead to body collapse due to excessive sweating.
The main function of administering medicine is to clear the heat and stagnation in the body through purgation, thus achieving the goal of treating diseases. Therefore, the best time to use medication is in the middle and late stages of the disease, when the heat evil has already penetrated the body and needs to be cleared through laxative action. If medication is used too early, it may lead to incomplete elimination of heat and evil, and the purgative effect damages the healthy qi, leading to an aggravation of the condition.