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  • Human health is like heaven and earth, which is a classic metaphor of traditional Chinese medicine. This metaphor vividly depicts the harmony and balance within the human body, as well as the impact of the external environment on the human body. The human body is like a universe, containing elements such as yin, yang, and five elements, as well as internal organs and meridians, which are interrelated and mutually constrained, forming a complete system.
    The health of the human body is like the harmony between heaven and earth. The movement of heaven and earth is the way of nature, and so is the human body. Each organ and system within the human body has its unique operating rules and functions. Only by maintaining internal harmony and balance can one maintain physical health.
    The influence of the external environment on the human body is equally important as the influence of heaven and earth on all things. Climate change, seasonal changes, and daily life can all have an impact on the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that changes in the external environment can cause changes within the human body, thereby affecting the health of the body. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes adapting to the natural environment and maintaining physical and mental harmony.



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