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  • The core of traditional Chinese medicine is the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements. The Five Elements refer to metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, representing different properties and organs. Yin and Yang represent two opposing yet interdependent aspects, such as cold and heat, deficiency and excess, and movement and stillness. Traditional Chinese medicine aims to regulate yin and yang, balance the five elements, and treat diseases by observing the patient's physical condition, analyzing the etiology and pathology, and adopting corresponding treatment methods and drugs.
    Traditional Chinese medicine also emphasizes the regulation of human organs and meridians. Organs include the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, etc., which correspond to different functions and attributes. Meridians are channels for the circulation of qi and blood in the human body, connecting various parts of the body, transmitting information and energy. Traditional Chinese medicine stimulates specific acupoints and meridians through acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, medicine and other methods to adjust the internal environment of the human body and enhance the self-healing ability.


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