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  • Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yin is a very important substance, which includes blood, body fluids, and semen. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, yin and yang are interdependent and mutually restrictive. Therefore, when yin is insufficient, it can lead to various symptoms in the body. In traditional Chinese medicine treatment, saving yin is a very important treatment method.
    Saving yin does not lie in blood, but in fluids and sweat. The meaning of this sentence is that the method of saving yin is not achieved through supplementing blood, but through supplementing body fluids and sweat. This is because in traditional Chinese medicine theory, blood and body fluid are different substances. Blood is a liquid, while body fluid is a special substance in the liquid that exists in various parts of the body, including the skin, muscles, organs, etc. Sweat is also a type of fluid in the body, which is converted from body fluids.


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