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  • Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heat is not far away when published, and the cold is not far away when attacked. The meaning of this sentence is that for the treatment of external symptoms, warm and warm drugs should be used to disperse external pathogens, while for the treatment of internal symptoms, cold and cool drugs should be used to clear internal heat.
    When treating superficial symptoms, traditional Chinese medicine usually selects some Chinese medicines with divergent effects, such as ephedra, cinnamon twigs, etc. These medicines can stimulate the expansion of the human pores, allowing evil energy to be expelled from the body. For the treatment of internal diseases, traditional Chinese medicine will choose some traditional Chinese medicines that have the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, and purging fire, such as Huanglian and Huangqin, which can clear the heat evil in the body and alleviate the condition.

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