Traditional Chinese medicine, also known as Han medicine or Han prescriptions, is the abbreviation of traditional Chinese medicine. It originated in ancient China and is based on the theories of Yin Yang and Five Elements, as well as the organs and meridians. Through the methods of observing, smelling, asking, and cutting, it comprehensively diagnoses and treats the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the balance of the internal environment of the human body is closely related to health, and therefore emphasizes the importance of regulating the body and preventing diseases.
There are a variety of TCM treatments, including traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, cupping, etc. Among them, traditional Chinese medicine is one of the most representative treatment methods. There are various types of traditional Chinese medicine, including plants, animals, minerals, etc., each of which has its unique pharmacological effects and effects. Through reasonable compatibility and application, traditional Chinese medicine can effectively treat different diseases.