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  • 2024年开始,劲爆的消息太多,全球暴发“X疾病”可能性非常大,世卫组织警告:下一次大流行病暴发只是时间问题。
    Starting from 2024, there will be too much explosive news, and the possibility of a global outbreak of "X disease" is very high. The World Health Organization warns that the next pandemic outbreak is only a matter of time.
    So the question is, what is "X disease"?
    What is "X"?
    This is a problem that middle school students all know. "X" is an unknown number, and "X virus" is an unknown virus, which means that the next outbreak of a pandemic is a matter of time, and it is likely to come soon.
    At the same time, according to this definition and characteristics, the COVID-19 pandemic in the previous three years also belongs to the scope of "X disease". Human beings are so surprised that they unknowingly enter the second wave of the storm.

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