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  • 皮肤容易出现各种过敏,甚至是风团,还有些人出现呼吸系统的症状,在中医眼中,都归结为同一个问题来处理。
    The skin is prone to various allergies, even wheals, and some people may experience respiratory symptoms. In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, they are all treated as the same problem.
    Essentially, the symptoms of allergic diseases are related to the liver meridian disease caused by Jueyin disease. The meridian says, "The East produces wind, and wind produces wood." It is also known as "wind, good deeds lead to numerical changes." In some cases, the symptoms may appear as "wood is curved and straight," with rapid changes.
    Among the six meridian diseases in the Treatise on Cold Damage, Jueyin disease has the most severe symptom changes and the most obvious conflict. The pathological reaction is also this kind of Qi and blood conflict. Therefore, allergic diseases can be viewed from the perspective of Jueyin disease.
    In the system matching of the Five Elements and Six Qi, the combination of Jueyin and Fengmu belongs to the disease of the liver system, and the direction is also correct.

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