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  • 春季养生饮食注意:
    Spring health diet precautions:
    Spring is the season for the revival of all things, with the emergence of yang energy and the renewal of all things.
    Spring diet should follow the principle of "more sweetness and less sourness". Due to the initial rise of yang energy in spring and the vigorous metabolism of the human body, it is necessary to increase the intake of sweet foods in moderation, such as dates and honey, to nourish the spleen and stomach qi. At the same time, the intake of sour foods such as vinegar and hawthorn should be reduced to prevent excessive liver qi.
    "Five grains are for nourishment, five fruits are for assistance, five livestock are for benefit, five vegetables are for filling, and the fragrance is combined to nourish essence and qi."
    Food is divided into "four qi" and "five flavors". The "Four Qi" refer to cold, heat, warmth, and coolness. The five flavors refer to spiciness, sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness.
    Spring belongs to wood, and it nourishes the liver while also calming the liver and stomach. Therefore, the ancient saying goes: more sweet and less sour.

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