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  • 中医治疗感冒是分得非常细化的,也是非常科学的。
    The treatment of colds in traditional Chinese medicine is very detailed and scientific.
    If we follow modern medicine to treat colds, it is a combination of an antiviral capsule and intravenous drip.
    According to the perspective of modern medicine, colds are divided into immune system colds caused by low resistance and influenza.
    Traditional Chinese medicine treats colds by at least dividing them into cold and heat, which is commonly referred to as wind cold cold and wind heat cold in traditional Chinese medicine.
    Low resistance, in traditional Chinese medicine, belongs to the deficiency of righteous qi, mostly due to yang deficiency.
    The issue of viral influenza cannot be simply discussed. Traditional Chinese medicine often categorizes this type of problem under the category of plague, and the general framework of typhoid fever prescriptions is still applicable. The Qingfei Paidu Tang during the mask period is a combination of several prescriptions, providing a unique approach and approach for modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine researchers.

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