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  • Traditional Chinese medicine dietary regulation is really a profound knowledge! Do you know when it comes to "five flavors blending"? This not only refers to the balance of the five flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, but also to the harmonious unity of the yin and yang elements within the body. Imagine, if you eat too spicy or too sweet every day, how can your body not have any problems?

    I tried traditional Chinese medicine dietary regulation and the effect was really amazing! Breakfast is a bowl of hot millet porridge, warm and nourishing stomach; For lunch, steamed fish and vegetable salad are light and nutritious; In the evening, a bowl of red dates and goji berry soup can not only nourish qi and blood, but also not burden the stomach.

    So, why don't you also try traditional Chinese medicine dietary regulation! You don't need to follow traditional methods completely, just pay attention to the principle of "harmony of five flavors", mix ingredients appropriately, and I believe you can also feel the changes in your body. Healthy diet, start now!

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