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  • The mystery of traditional Chinese medicine dietary regulation lies in its flexibility. It's not about blindly following a fixed recipe, but adjusting according to individual physique and seasonal changes. Do you know? In summer, we may be more suitable to eat light food to cool down, while in winter, we may need more warm and nourishing food to resist the cold. Everyone's physique is also different, some people are prone to getting angry, while others are prone to feeling cold. So, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, dietary regulation is like tailor-made "clothes" for everyone, which should fit well and be comfortable.

    Imagine, if we all wear clothes of the same size, how could they all fit? Similarly, if we all use the same dietary adjustment methods, how can they all be effective? So, next time you are choosing a dietary regimen, why not ask yourself more: "What is my physique? What season is it now? What should I eat?" This way, you can truly find the right dietary regimen for yourself!

    Traditional Chinese medicine dietary regulation is not static, it is like an art that requires us to experience and practice with care. Let's explore together and find our own path to health!

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