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  • Shennong tastes a hundred herbs and explores the mysteries of traditional Chinese medicine! The story of Shen Nong tasting a hundred herbs always feels like a myth. Actually, that is the source of traditional Chinese medicine. Shennong is not only the founder of agricultural civilization, but also the pioneer of traditional Chinese medicine. Imagine how much effort he has put into human health by tasting all kinds of herbs, distinguishing medicinal properties?

    Have we ever thought about the story behind the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine that we enjoy now? Every time I drink a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine, I feel a warm surge in my heart, which is a tribute to the ancients and a treasure of life.

    Traditional Chinese medicine is not only a good medicine for treating diseases, but also a culture and wisdom. In this fast-paced era, why not slow down and savor a cup of traditional Chinese medicine to experience its unique charm and profound cultural heritage.

    Friends, let's give a thumbs up to Shennong and cheer for the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine!
    神农尝百草,探寻中医药的奥秘! 神农尝百草的故事,总觉得那是神话。其实那是中医药的源头。神农氏,不仅是农耕文明的奠基人,更是中医药学的开创者。想象一下,他尝遍百草,分辨药性,为人类健康付出了多少努力?

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