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  • Exploring the mysteries of traditional Chinese medicine, how can one not know the meridians? Meridians, like maps of the body, each contain the secrets of life. Every time a cold or headache occurs, Chinese medicine can always find the cause through the channels. The magic of acupuncture and moxibustion and cupping are all the magic of the channels.

    Do you know? The meridians in traditional Chinese medicine and the nervous system in Western medicine actually have similarities and differences. But traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes a holistic view, viewing the body as an organic whole, and the meridians are the bridge connecting this whole.

    Meridians are the soul and pride of traditional Chinese medicine. To truly understand traditional Chinese medicine, meridians are a must learn lesson.

    Friends, do you have any views or experiences on the meridians? Welcome to leave a message to share! Let's explore the mysteries of traditional Chinese medicine and experience the charm of traditional culture together!

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