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  • 临床使用经方,是两千多年以来,甚至源于更加久远年代,古代先贤的经验总结,遵循“方证对应”的原则。方证对应,即‘有是证用是方”。在临床证候过程中,只要与仲景的描述相契合,有时甚至是“但见一证便是”这是套路和固定模式,因为人体机制就是如此,这个时候,放胆使用而不必强求脉、舌、症面面俱备,这实际上是在重复仲景当年的治病实践,颇有执简驭繁,驾轻就熟之妙,而效验必彩。
    The clinical use of classic prescriptions has been based on the experience of ancient sages for over two thousand years, even more ancient times, following the principle of "correspondence between prescriptions and syndromes.". Fang Zheng corresponds, that is, "if there is evidence, it is used.". In the process of clinical syndrome differentiation, as long as it is consistent with Zhong Jing's description, sometimes even "just seeing one syndrome is enough", this is a routine and fixed pattern, because the human body mechanism is like this. At this time, using it boldly without forcing the pulse, tongue, and symptom surface to be prepared is actually repeating Zhong Jing's disease treatment practice in the past, which is quite skillful in handling simplicity and complexity, and the effectiveness is remarkable.

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