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  • 中医的整体观念,正是现代医学所追求的,甚至可以说是现代医学的天然缺陷,在这个知识背景下,那些反对中医的人的思维方式,显得非常奇葩,也许是因为不了解,不理解,所以选择反对,来证明自己的正确性吧。
    The overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine is exactly what modern medicine pursues, and it can even be said that it is a natural flaw of modern medicine. In this knowledge background, the thinking mode of those who oppose traditional Chinese medicine appears very peculiar. Perhaps because they do not understand or understand it, they choose to oppose it to prove their correctness.
    Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the human body is an organic whole, with various organs, tissues, and organs interconnected and mutually restrictive. When distinguishing syndromes, it is necessary to grasp the patient's condition as a whole, considering multiple factors such as etiology, location, and nature of the disease.

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