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  • 在先秦时期,解剖学作为医学临床治疗手段被广泛应用,如《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》中记述的“割皮解肌,决脉解筋”,以及《汉书·王莽传》中记载的王莽时期的太医和巧屠共同进行的人体解剖。这些实例表明,早期的中医研究经脉和脏腑时,曾经通过“实证”的程序来了解人体结构。
    In the pre Qin period, anatomy was widely used as a medical clinical treatment method, such as "cutting the skin to relieve the muscles, deciphering the meridians to relieve the tendons" as described in the "Biography of Bianque Cang Gong" in the "Records of the Grand Historian", and the "Biography of Wang Mang" in the "Book of Han", which recorded the joint dissection of the human body by the imperial physician and the skilled butcher during the Wang Mang period. These examples indicate that in the early stages of traditional Chinese medicine research on meridians and organs, the human body structure was understood through an empirical program.
    Many people who have lived in rural areas know about castration techniques. In fact, as long as they are skilled, the surgery to remove the human cecum is not much more difficult than castration techniques.

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