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  • 粉丝反馈:中医的奥妙,古人所言非虚。我曾尝试过多款国际知名品牌,然而,那质朴无华的土制牙粉却轻松超越了它们。不论是牙龈出血,还是口气困扰,只需使用一次,便能体验到那份难以言表的舒适感。这种体验,只有亲自尝试,才能真正领略到它的独特之处。
    Fan feedback: The mysteries of traditional Chinese medicine are not just what the ancients said. I have tried several internationally renowned brands, but the simple and unadorned homemade tooth powder easily surpassed them. Whether it's gum bleeding or difficulty breathing, you only need to use it once to experience the indescribable comfort. This kind of experience, only by personally trying, can one truly appreciate its uniqueness.

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