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  • “医不叩门”,这是古代医者的一种智慧,意味着医生不会主动上门推销医术,因为真正的医术需要患者有求医的愿望和信任,而非强迫。就是强加的喂饭吃,也是不香的,千金难买我愿意。
    "Medicine does not knock on the door" is a wisdom of ancient doctors, which means that doctors will not actively come to promote medical skills, because true medical skills require patients to have the desire and trust to seek medical treatment, rather than coercion. Even if it's forced feeding, it doesn't taste good. I'm willing to buy it for a thousand dollars.
    In Chinese civilization, people respect nature and their inner world, believing that the inheritance of all knowledge and skills needs to conform to nature and human hearts.
    The relationship between doctors and patients should not be a simple transaction, but should be based on trust and respect. Patients need to actively seek help in order to truly open up and receive treatment. Doctors, on the other hand, need to prioritize patients and serve them wholeheartedly in order to truly demonstrate their benevolence and skill.
    Medicine does not knock at the door, and in modern medical relationships, it is still full of great wisdom. Perhaps this is because our ancestors saw through the greed of the human heart and the shortcomings of human nature.
    If a patient doesn't speak up and has a request, they will never take the initiative to seek medical treatment, no matter what kind of relationship they have, my dear friend.

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