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  • Yang Sheng leads to external heat, Yin Sheng leads to internal cold. Just like the scorching summer sun, we feel the heat wave rolling; And in winter, when the cold wind is piercing, the body feels chilly. The wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine is truly vast and profound!

    Imagine if our body had a strong Yang energy, it would be like a small sun, warm and full of vitality; On the contrary, if the Yin energy is too heavy, it feels like being shrouded in dark clouds, feeling cold from inside out.

    So, everyone should also pay more attention to their physical condition, make timely adjustments, and maintain a balance of yin and yang. After all, the body is the capital of revolution!

    I don't know if you have tried any effective health preservation methods? Or do you have any unique insights into traditional Chinese medicine theory? Come and share it! Let's learn together and be healthy together!

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