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  • Today, I suddenly thought of a concept in traditional Chinese medicine – that life is tangible and inseparable from yin and yang. To be honest, I used to think that yin and yang were a bit mysterious, but after careful consideration, I found that it really makes sense!

    Don't all the big and small things in life depend on each other and transform like yin and yang? Just like summer is extremely hot, but it is precisely because of the heat that we can feel the coolness of autumn; Work may be busy or tiring, but it is precisely because of hard work that we can enjoy true relaxation in our leisure time.

    Sometimes, I feel like life is like a Tai Chi game, where we need to find balance between yin and yang. Being too biased towards either side will lead to a loss of harmony. So, I think we should all learn to find the balance between busyness and leisure, success and failure, and make life more beautiful!

    It has to be said that the theory of yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine is truly profound, not only explaining natural phenomena, but also revealing the true essence of life. I think each of us should study it carefully, maybe there will be unexpected gains!
    今天突然想到中医里的一个理念——人生有形,不离阴阳。 说实话,以前总觉得阴阳这东西有点玄乎,但仔细琢磨后,发现它真的很有道理!

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