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  • 心主神明,心包络为心之母。
    The heart governs the gods, and the pericardium is the mother of the heart.
    In traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is intangible, and the pericardial meridian is an intangible extension of the heart, serving as a powerful protector of the heart.
    In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is intangible and built on the basis of flesh, equivalent to spiritual will, that is, the mind. In Chinese medicine, the anatomical center is actually the pericardium, which is tangible flesh. The pericardial meridian corresponds to this pericardial envelope.
    The understanding of the heart in modern medicine should be a comprehensive concept of the heart and pericardium. From this perspective, the understanding of the heart system in traditional Chinese medicine is an important reference benchmark for the development of modern medicine.
    Excessive joy and sadness lead to extreme joy and sorrow.
    The human heart is positive and accommodating feelings of happiness.

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