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  • 最近印度出现热死人的暴热气候,而我们国家的南部地区却进入一个有些凉爽的夏季,也许大家忙忙碌碌,都忘记了体验大自然的环境气息了。
    Recently, India has experienced a scorching hot climate, while the southern region of our country has entered a somewhat cool summer. Perhaps everyone has been busy and forgotten to experience the environmental atmosphere of nature.
    According to the ancient classification of climate, the Xiaoman solar term entered the stage of the Three Qi. The Three Qi refers to the arrangement of heavenly policies, the movement of cold Qi, the arrival of rain, the occurrence of common diseases and cold, the occurrence of fever, the injection of carbuncle and gangrene, and the stagnation of heat in the heart. Those who do not treat it will die.
    More than two thousand years ago, ancient climate science has summarized the general climate characteristics of the Jiachen year through big data models. This summer does not seem too hot, and this climate phenomenon is still applicable in southern China, with great reference value.

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