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  • 人的疾病出现的时间节点,有很强的规律,有严密的数学逻辑,从这个角度来看,人的疾病是有定数的。也许听起来像迷信,但是换一种说法,人体的疾病出现节点是由人体的基因编译信息决定的,是不是听起来科学感满满。这是一个变革的时代,一切都有可能,旧瓶换新酒而已。
    The timing of human diseases has a strong pattern and rigorous mathematical logic. From this perspective, human diseases have a definite number. Perhaps it sounds superstitious, but to put it another way, the occurrence of diseases in the human body is determined by the information compiled by the body's genes. Does it sound full of scientific sense. This is an era of change, anything is possible, just exchanging old bottles for new wine.

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