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  • Traditional Chinese Medicine culture is simply a brilliant pearl in the treasure trove of our national wisdom! Imagine that the ancestors thousands of years ago, without modern microscopes, could unlock the secrets of nature with a pair of eyes and countless attempts. They could recuperate their bodies and cure diseases with herbs, acupuncture and moxibustion and other seemingly simple but mysterious methods.
    中医药文化,简直就是咱们民族智慧宝库里的璀璨明珠! 想象一下,几千年前的老祖宗们,没有现代的显微镜,却能凭借一双慧眼和无数次尝试,解锁了大自然的秘密,用草药、针灸这些看似简单却蕴含无限奥妙的方法,调理身体,治愈疾病。

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