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  • 中秋节对中国人的影响和意义是重大的,意味着团圆和亲人的欢聚以及对故友的惦念,人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,狂风暴雨之后见彩虹,纵有前程似锦,万里江山,也不如当下的片刻悠闲惬意,今天是中秋节,天气真好!祝福大家节日快乐!平安喜乐!
    The impact and significance of the Mid-Autumn Festival on the Chinese people is significant, which means reunion, family reunion, and nostalgia for old friends. People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs. After storms, there is a rainbow. Even if there is a bright future and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, it is not as leisurely as the present moment. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the weather is really good! Wishing everyone a happy holiday! Peace and joy!

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