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  • The "Four Diagnostic Modes" is a fundamental concept in traditional Chinese medicine that involves observing and evaluating a patient's appearance, odor, speech, and bodily sensations. The four diagnostic methods are:
    Inspection (Appearance): This includes observing the patient's appearance, including their skin color, complexion, and facial expressions. It also involves checking the quality of the tongue and the patient's voice.
    Auscultation and olfaction (odor): This involves listening to the patient's breathing, coughing, and other sounds, as well as evaluating any odors that may be emitted from the body.
    Inquiry: This involves asking patients questions about their medical history, symptoms, lifestyle, and emotional state, as well as any factors that may have contributed to their condition.
    Palpation (sensation): This involves palpating various parts of the body, including pulse, abdomen, and acupoints, to assess the overall health status of the patient.

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