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  • The difference between Hand Yangming Meridian and Hand Yangming is called Pianli. Remove the wrist by three inches and do not go to Taiyin; Others include upper arm, shoulder and hip, upper curved cheeks and crooked teeth; Other than that, it enters the ear and conforms to the meridians. Its disease: solid, then caries, deafness; If there is deficiency, the teeth will be cold and the diaphragm will be blocked. Take it from another place ("Ling Shu · Jing Mai"). The Hand Yangming Meridian, named Pianli, branches off three inches behind the wrist joint and runs towards the Hand Taiyin Meridian; Its branches run upwards along the arm, crossing the acromion and ascending to the mandibular angle, covering the roots of the teeth; The other branch enters the ear and merges with the various meridians (meridians) gathered in the ear. Its symptoms: empirical evidence, including tooth decay pain and deafness; Deficiency syndrome, with cold teeth and obstructed chest and diaphragm, can be treated with the Yangming acupoint on the hand.

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