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  • Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that meridians are important components of the human body, carrying nutrients such as qi, blood, and body fluids, communicating with the inside and outside, and regulating internal and external organs. If the meridians are blocked or obstructed, it will affect the normal functioning of the body, leading to the occurrence of various diseases.

    Meridian blockage can cause a series of symptoms. Firstly, there may be discomfort such as pain, soreness, and numbness in certain parts of the body due to blockages in the meridians, which prevent the circulation of qi and blood and affect the normal function of that area. Secondly, the function of the internal organs will also be affected, resulting in corresponding symptoms. For example, blockage of the heart meridian may lead to symptoms such as palpitations, chest tightness, insomnia, etc; Blockage of the liver meridian can cause rib pain, irritability, menstrual disorders, and other symptoms.

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