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    Invigorating the spleen is the key to the treatment of all diseases.

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  • 当前位置: 华夏中医人 > 养生社区 > 正文
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    • Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the postnatal base of life

      and the key to production and transformation of qi and blood of the human body. If a person's spleen and stomach are not good, then the body's qi and blood will be insufficiently generated, and the various parts of the body will not be nourished, and will naturally appear ” withered”,  all kinds of diseases and ailments break out. Invigorating the spleen is the key to the treatment of all diseases.



      Invigorating the spleen is the key to the treatment of all diseases.Invigorating the spleen is the key to the treatment of all diseases.


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