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    Symptoms of Qi and Yin Deficiency

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    • The common symptoms of qi and yin deficiency in our daily life are mainly dizziness,  spontaneous sweating and palpitations, shortness of breath,  thirsty, indigestion, loss of appetite,feverish palms and soles, pale complexion, etc., accompanied by symptoms such as red tongue and thin pulse.

      Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sweat pertaining to the fluid of the heartt. Excessive sweating will consume qi and damage the yin, which can cause both qi and yin deficiency. 

      Deficiency of the body may cause many conditions, such as palpitation, chest tightness, shortness of breath, low voice, lack of energy, and easy sweating, which belong to qi deficiency. mouth parched and tongue scorched , reddening-of-the-cheeks sphoria with feverish sensation in chest,palms and soles are the lack of body fluids, these are Yin deficiency.


      生活中我们常见的气阴两虚症状,主要是头晕目眩,自汗心悸、气短、口干口渴、消化不良、食欲减退 ,手足心热、面色晄白等,同时伴有舌质偏红、脉细等症状.




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