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    • Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eczema is often caused by improper diet, alcoholism or excessive consumption of spicy and stimulating food, which damages the spleen and stomach, and dysfunction of spleen in transport, resulting in the endoretention of damp heat, and the exopathogenic pathogenic wind -dampness and pathogenic heat. Soaked skin causes this disease. 

      Or because the body is weak, spleen deficiency with dampness retention, and the  failure of skin and muscle to be nourished. Or due to the dampness -heat stagnating for a long time, the yin and blood are consumed, and transforming dryness into wind, resulting in blood deficiency and wind-dryness, and the squamous and dry skin. In conclusion, the etiology of eczema is very complex, which is the result of the interaction of many internal and external factors.





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