There are a variety of TCM treatments, including acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, Chinese medicine, etc. These methods are based on the concept of harmony between heaven and man, regulating the body's qi and blood, yin and yang, and organs to achieve a balanced and harmonious state of the internal environment of the human body. In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the occurrence of diseases is caused by the imbalance of the internal environment of the human body and the disharmony with the natural environment. Therefore, the key to traditional Chinese medicine treatment lies in identifying the cause and adopting appropriate methods for conditioning and treatment.
The treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine are not only scientific, but also philosophical. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the internal environment of the human body is interrelated with the natural environment, and diseases within the human body are closely related to changes in the natural environment. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine treatment is not only the treatment of the disease itself, but also the regulation and protection of the entire natural environment. This treatment method is not only scientific, but also philosophical and cultural.