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  • The ancient Chinese medicine concept of left liver, right lung, upper heart, and lower kidney originated from the visceral theory of ancient physicians. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the internal organs of the human body have corresponding relationships, which can reflect the physiological functions and pathological changes of the human body. Specifically, the term 'left liver and right lung' reflects traditional Chinese medicine's understanding of the position and function of the liver and lungs in the human body.
    Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is located on the left side of the human body, namely the left flank, and its main function is to release qi and regulate blood. The liver plays an important role in the human body, responsible for clearing toxins and waste from the body, maintaining qi and blood balance, and regulating emotions. When liver abnormalities occur, it directly affects the overall health of the human body. Therefore, in traditional Chinese medicine treatment, nourishing and protecting the liver is very important.
    Corresponding to the liver is the lungs. The lungs are located on the right side of the human body, namely the right flank, and their main functions are to regulate qi and body fluids. The lungs are also very important for the human body, as they can remove phlegm and foreign objects from the respiratory tract and maintain smooth breathing. At the same time, the lungs are closely related to the body's immune function and can enhance the body's resistance. When abnormal lung function occurs, it can lead to the occurrence of respiratory system diseases.



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