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  • The impact of climate characteristics on physical health is complex and multifaceted. Firstly, temperature is one of the most fundamental factors affecting physical health. Both high and low temperatures can have negative effects on physical health. In high-temperature environments, the human body needs to dissipate excess heat to maintain body temperature stability, which may lead to health problems such as heatstroke and dehydration. In low-temperature environments, the human body needs to maintain its body temperature within a normal range, which may increase the incidence of respiratory diseases such as colds and pneumonia.
    In addition, climate characteristics also affect physical health through other means. Humidity and wind can affect the function of the respiratory system, and high or low humidity can lead to damage to the respiratory mucosa and infection. Changes in rainfall and atmospheric pressure can also have an impact on physical health, such as decreased atmospheric pressure leading to health problems such as altitude sickness and hypoxemia.
    Climate characteristics are also related to some chronic diseases. For example, the geographical environment of certain regions may have an impact on diseases such as arthritis and heart disease. In addition, seasonal climate change may also lead to issues such as allergic reactions and emotional fluctuations.



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