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  • The balance of yin and yang in the human body refers to the coordination and balance between the various components of the internal organs, meridians, qi and blood, as well as between the human body and the external environment. Yin Yang balance is an important foundation for human health. Once the body loses balance, a series of pathological reactions and symptoms will occur.
    Firstly, the five organs and six fu organs are the key to the balance of yin and yang in the human body. The five organs include the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, while the six organs include the small intestine, gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, bladder, and triple energizer. The five internal organs store essence and qi, and the six internal organs transmit chemicals. The five zangs control the internal organs and the six zangs control the external organs, which are interconnected through meridians and maintain normal physiological functions of the human body. Among them, the heart governs the blood vessels and the gods; The liver is responsible for relieving stress and regulating muscles and veins; The spleen is responsible for transportation and metabolism, and for muscles; The lungs govern qi and fur; The kidney is responsible for storing essence, while the bone is responsible for generating marrow. The functions of these organs are interdependent and mutually restrictive, maintaining the balance of the body.


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