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  • The physical and mental health of a person is a holistic concept that is indivisible and cannot be simply regarded as the sum of two separate parts of a person. The mind is interrelated and interdependent, and together they form a complete individual.
    When we face various challenges and pressures in life, our bodies and minds will jointly participate and influence our reactions and coping styles. Emotional states such as physical tension, anxiety, and depression can have a negative impact on our thinking, attention, and behavior, which in turn can affect our work, work, and physical well-being. Stress and tension can also lead to physical discomfort and illness.
    Therefore, to maintain physical and mental health, we need to approach it from a holistic perspective, while also paying attention to and intervening in the body and maintaining a good balance between mental and physical well-being. Living habits, a healthy diet, moderate exercise, and sufficient sleep can help us maintain physical health; Through a positive mindset, correct cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and social support, we can maintain psychological balance and stability.



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