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  • The kidneys can maintain the normal growth and development of bones, maintaining their strength and firmness. The kidney is one of the important organs in the human body, which can produce hormones and enzymes, participate in regulating the physiological functions of the human body, and one of them is to promote the growth and development of bones.
    The kidneys regulate the growth and development of bones by producing hormones and enzymes. For example, parathyroid hormone produced by the kidneys can promote the absorption and utilization of calcium in bones, maintaining their strength and strength. In addition, the kidneys also produce some growth hormones, which can promote the growth and development of bones and maintain their normal form and structure.
    In addition to producing hormones and enzymes, the kidneys also maintain bone health through other means. For example, the kidneys can regulate the acid-base balance of the human body, maintain stable calcium ion concentrations in bones, and thus promote normal bone growth and development. In addition, the kidneys can also remove waste and toxins from the body, maintaining bone health.



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