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  • Traditional Chinese medicine theory categorizes the sensations of the human body into different degrees, ranging from mild to severe as "faintly feeling obvious to feeling very obvious to feeling unbearable". These sensations are closely related to the movement of qi and blood. When the circulation of qi and blood is not smooth, the human body will feel some discomfort, such as headaches, chest tightness, fatigue, etc; When the circulation of qi and blood is severely impeded, the human body will feel very obvious discomfort, such as pain, swelling, numbness, etc; When the circulation of qi and blood is extremely sluggish, the human body will feel unbearable pain, such as severe pain, suffocation, and so on.
    Therefore, the movement of qi and blood in traditional Chinese medicine theory is closely related to the degree of sensation in the human body. By regulating the movement of qi and blood, various discomfort symptoms in the human body can be improved, achieving the goals of health care and treatment. In daily life, we should pay attention to maintaining good habits and emotional states to maintain the smooth and stable circulation of qi and blood.


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